Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Google to sell Domain Name ?

We are not talking about its domain name of course!
Google has teamed up with eNom and GoDaddy to offer up domains for $10 per year. The most intresting part is that Google Apps for Your Domain service allows registrants to set up free email, IM, and calandar services with company logos.

Google engineer Costin Manolache also noted the offer includes private registration. This keeps personal information out of view of whois lookups.

Google Apps for Your Domain offers few services which organozations can privatize by using their own logos. It's currently a free way to offer members of the organization email, IM, and calendar services branded with the organization's name and logo.

Microsoft currently offers a free domain registration as part of its Office Live service. There are three tiers of service, and they focus on establishing a website and email for the domain; higher tiers provide the Office Live Business Contact Manager service.

But Microsoft tucks in something else with all three tiers. They provide a free copy of the Office Live adManager beta tool, which is used for managing adCenter campaigns.

Google has kept its focus on effective communications over a variety of options. They have noted ever since the launch of the Apps service that a premium version will become available in the future.

Parts of this item were sourced from webpronews.com


At 2:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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